# tunes2html.cfg # # This is the sample configuration file for tunes2html. # # The configuration file must be called tunes2html.cfg and must be located in the same directory # as tunes2html. # # Each entry controls some part of the input, sorting, or output of tunes2html. # # When you change this file, you may remove any paramterers you don't want to change. # # The format for an entry is KEYWORD VALUE, e.g. BGColor green. # iTunesDB is the location of the database file. # The program will exit if the file does not exist. iTunesDB ./iTunesDB # ArtistColor is the color of the artist name in the Single Artists section. # The value should be either a standard web color or a hex color preceded by #. ArtistColor #000070 # AlbumColor is the color of the album name in both the Single Artists # and Various Artists sections. # The value should be either a standard web color or a hex color preceded by #. AlbumColor #007000 # SongColor is the color of the song title and, if applicable, artist name # in all sections. # The value should be either a standard web color or a hex color preceded by #. SongColor #007000 # PlaylistColor is the color of the playlist name in the Playlist section. # The value should be either a standard web color or a hex color preceded by #. PlaylistColor #007000 # TimeColor is the color of the date and time. # The value should be either a standard web color or a hex color preceded by #. TimeColor lightgrey # TextColor is the color of the remaining text in all sections. # The value should be either a standard web color or a hex color preceded by #. TextColor black # BGColor is the color of the background for the title and contents sections. # The value should be either a standard web color or a hex color preceded by #. BGColor white # StatsColor is the color of the background for the Statistics section. # The value should be either a standard web color or a hex color preceded by #. StatsColor ivory # UseComposer determines whether tunes2html should use the contents of the # Composer field to sort artists by name. # Acceptable values are Yes and No. UseComposer No # Title is the name at the top of the page. Everything after 'Title' will # be used. Title iPod Contents # OutputFormat determines what kind of output tunes2hmtl will generate. # Acceptable values are Text, HTML, and Both. OutputFormat Both # AddLinks determines whether or not each song is also a link to the song file. # Acceptable values are Yes and No AddLinks No # ShowDots controls whether dots are printed while the program collects song # and playlist info. # Acceptable values are Yes and No ShowDots Yes # AlbumSort controls how albums are sorted - chronologically by year or alphabetically # by name. # Acceptable values are chron and alpha AlbumSort chron # SongSort controls how songs are sorted - by track number or alphabetically by name. # Acceptable values are track and alpha SongSort track # VarTrackSort controls how songs on unordered Various Artist albums are sorted - # by song name or by artist name. # Acceptable values are song and artist VarTrackSort song # PlusImage controls what image serves as the "plus" next to artist and album names. # The file must exist for the image to display properly PlusImage plusbl.gif # MinusImage controls what image serves as the "minus" next to artist and album names. # The file must exist for the image to display properly MinusImage minusbl.gif # FontFamily controls what font family is used on the HTML file. # Acceptable values are serif, sans-serif, monospace, or any font family expression FontFamily sans-serif # HTMLFilename is the name of the output HTML file. If the file cannot be created, # iPod.htm will be used. # File name can include a directory, but that directory should be writable. # File name should end in either .htm or .html HTMLFilename ./myiPod.htm # TextFilename is the name of the output text file. If the file cannot be created, # iPod.txt will be used. # File name can include a directory, but that directory should be writable. # File name should end in .txt TextFilename ./myiPod.txt # DupesFilename is the name of the output file listing duplicate tracks. # If the file cannot be created, dupes.txt will be used. # File name can include a directory, but that directory should be writable. # File name should end in .txt DupesFilename ./dupes.txt # DateFilename changes the file name to include the date, putting the date before the # extension, e.g. iPod-20040303.htm and iPod-20040303.txt. # Acceptable values are Yes and No DateFilename No